Fab Homemade Holiday Gift Ideas!

Christmas shopping can be a real stress. Between trying to budget, trying to remember what everyone's favorite things are, and trying to do all that while still making your gift choices personalized... it can induce the intense need to drink a glass of wine (or hot tottie! Tis the season after all!)
After many years of Christmas shopping, I've come to the realization that most people treasure homemade goodies more than the shirt you bought them from Nordstrom (but, I mean, who doesn't love Nordies??) Thus, I've taken to homemade holiday gifts. It takes more time, energy and creativity to make a gift, and most people really appreciate that.
To make your life a little easier, I've spotted my favorite homemade holiday gifts for this year!
Mason Jar Sugar & Salt Scrubs
Colorful Utensils
Essential Oil Soaps
Coffee Mug Mixers
Infused Vodkas